HOOPS: 2d pdf driver not created

104 views Asked by At

I am fairly new to HOOPS, so sorry if the question is dumb.

I am trying to export my scene as a 2D pdf. It does not work, because /driver/pdf segment does not exist. According to documentation, PDF is supported on all platforms (so far I am testing on Windows 7, 64bit), however I only see these driver segments existing:


i.e. a number of drivers that are supposed to be supported on all platforms do not exist, e.g. postscript, printf etc.

I presume something is wrong with my HOOPS installation, but what?



There are 1 answers


Found it! :)

My /bin/ was missing pdf2120_x64.hdi - once I added it, driver got magically created and pdf export worked.

The .hdi file is actually a renamed .dll and can be viewed in dependency walker.