I'm using Homesick to maintain my dotfiles on Github. In addition to this, I'm also using the fabulous bash-it for general bash functionality and plugins. My dotfile configuration is kept in one Github repo as a homesick castle, while my bash-it fork is kept in a separate Github repo.
When I want to set up a new machine, I first need to clone my bash-it repo (git clone ...
), and then set up homesick and clone my dotfiles repo from there (homesick clone nwinkler/dotfiles
Is there a way to make this easier, i.e. maintain my bash-it repo either as a second homesick castle, or even better as a submodule of my dotfiles castle? Ideally, I would be able to set up my dotfiles castle and bash-it with just one command.
Could (or should) I leverage Git submodules for this? Or is there a better way?