hockeyapp plugin and jenkins pipeline and hockey app URL

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I am using a declarative pipeline and in a stage I have a step using Hockey app to upload an APK. It works fine, but I can not seem to get the URL to the HockeyApp version. Supposedly its in an environment var HOCKEYAPP_INSTALL_URL, but alas, it is not. My question is how to get this URL to the version in HocekyApp?

 step([$class: 'HockeyappRecorder',
 applications: [[downloadAllowed: false, mandatory: false, 
 notifyTeam: false, releaseNotesMethod: [$class: 'NoReleaseNotes'],
 uploadMethod: [$class: 'AppCreation', publicPage: false]]],
 debugMode: false, failGracefully: false])

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