I need to check the classpath of the Hive service to see the location of the jars it loads while running the hive queries.
I want to update the parquet jars for hive to latest parquet jars to read new parquet format data.
I have updated the jars in hive lib location(/usr/hdp/2.5.XX/hive/lib/) but it is still using the old jars from some other location.
I tried below command to list jars but no output.
hive>list jars;
I have tried adding the new jars using
add jar <'jar file>
but it is still picking the old jars.
Is there any way to find out the classpath or jars used for the hive service?
Run below command to get the hive command location
Open 'hive' file under /usr/bin/(Your hive location)
You should see something like below. Take a backup of the hive file and add an echo command for the HADOOP_CLASSPATH at the end before exec as below.
Run hive command to display the classpath.
The parquet issue got resolved by adding the new parquet jar location to the environment variable 'HADOOP_CLASSPATH'