Highchart pie at top of div

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I am using a rails gem (lazy_high_charts) to help pass attributes to a pie chart powered by highcharts. I want the pie chart to start at the top of a div. Currently, there is a lot of space between the top of the div and the beginning of the pie chart. I have used spacingTop=0 and haven't had any success with that.

Img of space I want removed

The code for this looks like the following:

@chart = LazyHighCharts::HighChart.new('pie') do |f|
  f.chart({:defaultSeriesType=>"pie", :backgroundColor=>"transparent", :margin=>[10, 10, 10, 10], 
                             :spacingTop=>0, :spacingBottom=>0, :spacingLeft=>0, :spacingRight=>0})
  series = {
            :type=> 'pie',
            :name=> '$',
            :data=> [
               ['Lent',   @account.Available_Cash_Balance__c],
               ['Available Funds',   @account.Total_Pledged__c],
               ['Pledged',   100000]
  f.legend(:layout=> 'vertical', :itemMarginTop=>0, :itemMarginBottom=>0)

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