High Availability with hot-standby and auto-failover in postgresql

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I was asked to implement a High Availability and auto-failover in postgresql and I have been searching the internet all over to find the right architecture for that.

I have tried to do it in two architectures:

  1. RedHat cluster
  2. UCARP

Both ways came out pretty bad when I've meet bugs on UCARP restarting as master-master after several reboots and Redhat cluster fails to manage properly PostgreSQL service.

I would like to ask if anyone has ever succeeded to implement such an architecture and would like to explain me how or refer me to a tutorial that actually works.

The components that I have are: PostgreSQL at latest version (9.4), RHEL 6.6 and higher, all on virtual machines.

Thanks in advance, Aviel Buskila.


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