Hide void option from menu in DocuSign envelope view from c# for all users

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Hide void option from menu in DocuSign envelope view. Can I do this using C# DocuSign SDK?

To hide Void option for user usingfor all the users whether user is participant or not. Envelope is being accessed using CreateRecipientView end point of docusign.


There are 1 answers

Inbar Gazit On

Use Focused View with a bit of JS/HTML to do that.

Recommend you download the full (right most) quickstart for C# and then search for "Focued View" to see how it works.

Here is what the HTML/JS looks like:

    <!DOCTYPE html>
        <meta charset="utf-8" />
            body {
                padding: 0;
                margin: 0;
                font: 13px Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif;

            .docusign-agreement {
                width: 75%;
                height: 800px;
    <div id="agreement" class="docusign-agreement"></div>
        <script src="script.js"></script>

<p><a href="/">@Html.Raw(ViewBag.SupportingTexts.ContinueButton)</a></p>
@Html.Raw("<script src='https://js.docusign.com/bundle.js'></script>")

        .then((docusign) => {
            const signing = docusign.signing({
                url: '@ViewBag.Url',
                displayFormat: 'focused',
                style: {
                    /** High-level variables that mirror our existing branding APIs. Reusing the branding name here for familiarity. */
                    branding: {
                        primaryButton: {
                            /** Background color of primary button */
                            backgroundColor: '#333',
                            /** Text color of primary button */
                            color: '#fff',

                    /** High-level components we allow specific overrides for */
                    signingNavigationButton: {
                        finishText: 'You have finished the document! Hooray!',
                        position: 'bottom-center'

            signing.on('ready', (event) => {
                console.log('UI is rendered');

            signing.on('sessionEnd', (event) => {
                /** The event here denotes what caused the sessionEnd to trigger, such as signing_complete, ttl_expired etc../ **/
                console.log('sessionend', event);

        .catch((ex) => {
            // Any configuration or API limits will be caught here

  [1]: https://developers.docusign.com/docs/esign-rest-api/how-to/request-signature-focused-view/