Hide specific headings from (python) sphinx toctree while still showing other headings of same depth/level (or deeper)

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Assume I have the following rst file:


Sample text Sample text Sample text

Section 1
Sample text 

Section 1.1
Sample text Sample text

Section 2
Sample text Sample text Sample text

The file is called into a sphinx toctree by another file, so:


.. toctree::
   :maxdepth: 2

Now, I do not want Section 1 to show up in the resulting toctree, but I do want Section 1.1 and Section 2 to be included. This means that I cannot just use the:titlesonly: option for the ..toctree directive.

I have seen similar questions for which the answer is to play around with :maxdepth:, but I can't do that either since Section 2 is at the same depth as Section 1, and Section 1.1 is even deeper.

Are there any solutions?


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