Hide/Remove an extra dropdown widget from jQuery ColumnFIlterWidget plugin in Angular Datatable

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Basically I am trying to achieve 2 things here. I am using columnFilterWidget.js jQuery DataTable Plugin here for column filtering. I am having some issues in "Excluding" one Extra dropdown which is the 6th <td> and it has entire dataTable content HTML. Currently Excluding 6th Column is taking off all data and is showing an empty datatable

Here is my HTML:

<table datatable="ng" dt-options="dtOptions"
    dt-instance="dtInstanceCallback" style="width: 100%" id="quoteMgmt">

            <th>Origin City</th>
            <th>Origin State</th>
            <th>Destination City</th>
            <th>Destination State</th>


        <tr ng-repeat="quote in mgmtQuote track by quote.quoteNumber">

            <td style="display: none">
                {{ quote.customerInfoVo.customerName }}</td>
            <td style="display: none">
                {{ quote.eqmCommonInfo.origCity }}</td>
            <td style="display: none">
                {{ quote.eqmCommonInfo.origState }}</td>
            <td style="display: none">
                {{ quote.eqmCommonInfo.destCity }}</td>
            <td style="display: none">
                {{ quote.eqmCommonInfo.destState }}</td>    

                <div class="row">
                    <div class="seven columns">
                    [Datatable Content]

Here is my app.js

 $scope.dtOptions = DTOptionsBuilder.newOptions()
                .withOption('sDom', 'ltip')
                .withOption('iDisplayLength', 25)
                .withLanguage({"sEmptyTable":"No quotes available"})
                .withOption("sDom", 'W<"clear">lfrtip')

There are 1 answers

Kishan Gandhi On BEST ANSWER

I could fix it by using the syntax differently. On using Angular Datatable DTOptionsBuilder, syntaxes should be used little carefully. Posting my answer in case if it helps someone.

   $scope.dtOptions = DTOptionsBuilder.newOptions()
                .withOption('iDisplayLength', 25)
                .withLanguage({"sEmptyTable":"No quotes available"})
                .withOption('sDom', 'W<"clear">lrtip')
                   /*0 Customer */         {"bVisible":false},
                   /*1 Origin City */      {"bVisible":false},
                   /*2 Origin State */     {"bVisible":false},
                   /*3 Desination City */  {"bVisible":false},
                   /*4 Desination State */ {"bVisible":false},
                   /*5 Equipment Type */   {"bVisible":false},
                   /*6 Entire Datatable */ {"bVisible":true},
                   /*7 Sent Date */        {"bVisible":false},
                   /*8 Expiration Date */  {"bVisible":false},
                   /*9 Awarded Date */     {"bVisible":false},
                   /*10 Awarded Date desc*/{"bVisible":false}
                      "sSeparator": "\\s*/+\\s*",
                      "bGroupTerms": false,