In my Shiny app, I want to give users the option to restrict the data to include patients in specific age ranges using the shinyWidgets::sliderTextInput function. When I add the from_max and to_min arguments to prevent the lower range choice from being the max value and the upper range choice from being the min value, a new annoying line appears below the slider. How can I make it go away? Here's my reproducible example:
years <- c(0, 18, 50, 100)
ui <- fluidPage(
inputId = "range", label = h4(tags$b("Age interval of interest:")),
choices = years, selected = range(years),
from_max = 50,
to_min = 18,
grid = FALSE
textOutput(outputId = "ages")
server <- function(input, output, session) {
output$ages <- renderText(paste("Age range is:",
sep = " "))
shinyApp(ui, server)
Here's the line below the slider that I'd like to eliminate:
If I remove the from_max and to_min arguments, the line disappears but without those arguments a user could choose a range like this:
To remove it, set the height to 0px as shown below.
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