Hexapawn AI Transposition Table not working correctly

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The code below is a python implementation of the game Hexapawn, but on a 6x6 board. I originally wrote the program in c++, but converted it to python so I could post it here, and have an easier time testing the logic. I encountered a weird issue while testing this code, and that is the fact that the entry depth has to be equal to the current depth for the transposition table to work correctly. From the Wikipedia pseudocode (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Negamax#Negamax_with_alpha_beta_pruning_and_transposition_tables), it is clear that this is not how transposition tables should work.

In the code on wikipedia, the depth check is as follows:

if ttEntry is valid and ttEntry.depth ≥ depth then

Not what I have, which is:

if (entry.depth == depth) {

Here is the full code if you would like to test it. It does take several seconds to run with a depth of 22, and if you would like it to run faster for testing, you can lower it.

import time
from copy import deepcopy

class HexapawnBitboard:
    def __init__(self):
        self.white_pawns = 0b000000000000000000000000001111110000
        self.black_pawns = 0b111000000100000011000000000000000000

    def set_bit(self, square, player):
        if player == 1:
            self.white_pawns |= (1 << square)
        elif player == -1:
            self.black_pawns |= (1 << square)

    def clear_bit(self, square, player):
        if player == 1:
            self.white_pawns &= ~(1 << square)
        elif player == -1:
            self.black_pawns &= ~(1 << square)

    def get_bit(self, square, player):
        if player == 1:
            return (self.white_pawns >> square) & 1
        elif player == -1:
            return (self.black_pawns >> square) & 1
            return 0

    def unoccupied(self, square):
        return ((self.white_pawns | self.black_pawns) & (1 << square)) == 0

BoardSize = 6
squarenum = BoardSize ** 2
squarenum_minus_6 = squarenum - 6

def get_possible_moves(gameboard, player):
    possible_moves = []
    forward = player
    opponent = -player

    for square in range(squarenum):
        if gameboard.get_bit(square, player) == 1:
            y = square // BoardSize
            x = square % BoardSize

            x_minus_one = x - 1
            x_plus_one = x + 1
            y_plus_forward = y + forward
            y_plus_forward_times_six = y_plus_forward * BoardSize

            target_square = y_plus_forward_times_six + x_minus_one
            if 0 <= x_minus_one < BoardSize and 0 <= y_plus_forward < BoardSize and gameboard.get_bit(
                target_square, opponent
            ) == 1:
                possible_moves.append((square, target_square))

            target_square = y_plus_forward_times_six + x_plus_one
            if 0 <= x_plus_one < BoardSize and 0 <= y_plus_forward < BoardSize and gameboard.get_bit(
                target_square, opponent
            ) == 1:
                possible_moves.append((square, target_square))

            target_square = y_plus_forward_times_six + x
            if 0 <= y_plus_forward < BoardSize and gameboard.unoccupied(target_square):
                possible_moves.append((square, target_square))

    return possible_moves

def check_win(gameboard, player):
    start_square = squarenum_minus_6 if player == 1 else 0
    end_square = squarenum if player == 1 else BoardSize

    for square in range(start_square, end_square):
        if gameboard.get_bit(square, player) == 1:
            return True

    possible_moves = get_possible_moves(gameboard, -player)
    return not possible_moves

def check_win_negamax(gameboard, player, possible_moves):
    start_square = squarenum_minus_6 if player == 1 else 0
    end_square = squarenum if player == 1 else BoardSize

    for square in range(start_square, end_square):
        if gameboard.get_bit(square, player) == 1:
            return True

    return not possible_moves

def get_user_input():
    user_input = input("Enter a move: ")
    xy_coords = tuple(map(int, user_input.split()))
    return xy_coords

def make_move(gameboard, start_square, target_square, player):
    opponent = -player
    if gameboard.get_bit(target_square, opponent) == 1:
        gameboard.clear_bit(target_square, opponent)

    gameboard.set_bit(target_square, player)
    gameboard.clear_bit(start_square, player)

class TTEntry:
    def __init__(self, score, depth, upperbound, lowerbound):
        self.score = score
        self.depth = depth
        self.upperbound = upperbound
        self.lowerbound = lowerbound

class TranspositionTable(dict):

def combine(white_pawns, black_pawns):
    return (white_pawns << 64) | black_pawns

def negamax(gameboard, player, depth, alpha, beta, TT):
    alpha_orig = alpha
    key = combine(gameboard.white_pawns, gameboard.black_pawns)

    if key in TT:
        entry = TT[key]
        entry_score = entry.score

        if entry.depth == depth:
            if entry.lowerbound:
                alpha = max(alpha, entry_score)
            elif entry.upperbound:
                beta = min(beta, entry_score)
                return entry_score

            if alpha >= beta:
                return entry_score

    opponent = -player
    possible_moves = get_possible_moves(gameboard, player)

    if check_win_negamax(gameboard, opponent, possible_moves):
        return -(depth + 1)

    if depth == 0:
        return 0

    best_score = -10000

    next_depth = depth - 1
    first_node = True

    for move in possible_moves:
        board_copy = deepcopy(gameboard)
        make_move(board_copy, move[0], move[1], player)

        if first_node:
            score = -negamax(board_copy, opponent, next_depth, -beta, -alpha, TT)
            first_node = False
            score = -negamax(board_copy, opponent, next_depth, -alpha - 1, -alpha, TT)
            if alpha < score < beta:
                score = -negamax(board_copy, opponent, next_depth, -beta, -alpha, TT)

        if score > best_score:
            best_score = score

        alpha = max(alpha, score)

        if alpha >= beta:

    upperbound, lowerbound = False, False

    if best_score <= alpha_orig:
        upperbound = True
    elif best_score >= beta:
        lowerbound = True

    TT[key] = TTEntry(best_score, depth, upperbound, lowerbound)

    return best_score

def solve(gameboard, player, depth):
    best_move = None
    best_score = -10000
    alpha = -10000
    beta = 10000

    TT = TranspositionTable()

    possible_moves = get_possible_moves(gameboard, player)
    opponent = -player
    next_depth = depth - 1
    first_node = True

    for move in possible_moves:
        board_copy = deepcopy(gameboard)
        make_move(board_copy, move[0], move[1], player)

        if first_node:
            score = -negamax(board_copy, opponent, next_depth, -beta, -alpha, TT)
            first_node = False
            score = -negamax(board_copy, opponent, next_depth, -alpha - 1, -alpha, TT)
            if alpha < score < beta:
                score = -negamax(board_copy, opponent, next_depth, -beta, -alpha, TT)

        if score > best_score:
            best_score = score
            best_move = move
        print(f"{move}    Score: {score}    Alpha: {alpha}")


    return best_move, best_score

def display_board(gameboard):
    for y in range(BoardSize):
        for x in range(BoardSize):
            square = y * BoardSize + x
            if gameboard.get_bit(square, 1) == 1:
                symbol = 'A'
            elif gameboard.get_bit(square, -1) == 1:
                symbol = 'P'
                symbol = '-'
            print(symbol, end=' ')

if __name__ == "__main__":
    gameboard = HexapawnBitboard()
    current_player = 1


    while True:
        if current_player == -1:
            move = get_user_input()
            make_move(gameboard, move[0], move[1], -1)
            if check_win(gameboard, -1):
                print("Player 2 wins!")
            current_player = 1

        if current_player == 1:
            start_time = time.time()
            ai_solution = solve(gameboard, 1, 22)
            ai_move = ai_solution[0]
            make_move(gameboard, ai_move[0], ai_move[1], 1)
            print("Evaluation:", ai_solution[1])
            end_time = time.time()
            print(f"AI move took {end_time - start_time} seconds to calculate.\n")
            if check_win(gameboard, 1):
                print("Player 1 wins!")
            current_player = -1

Any help possible is greatly appreciated. I would love to know why my code isn't working as expected even though it is modeled off the Wikipedia pseudocode.


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