Heterogeneous list in Coq

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I'm considering writing a Coq program to verify certain properties of relational algebra. I've got some of the basic data types working, but concatenating tuples is giving me some trouble.

Here's the relevant section of code:

Require Import List.
Require Import String.

(* An enum representing SQL types *)
Inductive sqlType : Set := Nat | Bool.

(* Defines a map from SQL types (which are just enum values) to Coq types. *)
Fixpoint toType (t : sqlType) : Set :=
  match t with
    | Nat => nat
    | Bool => bool

(* A column consists of a name and a type. *)
Inductive column : Set :=
  | Col : string -> sqlType -> column.

(* A schema is a list of columns. *)
Definition schema : Set := list column.

(* Concatenates two schema together. *)
Definition concatSchema (r : schema) (s : schema) : schema := app r s.

(* Sends a schema to the corresponding Coq type. *)
Fixpoint tuple (s : schema) : Set :=
  match s with
    | nil => unit
    | cons (Col str t) sch => prod (toType t) (tuple sch)

Fixpoint concatTuples {r : schema} {s : schema} (a : tuple r) (b : tuple s) : tuple (concatSchema r s) :=
  match r with
    | nil => b
    | cons _ _ => (fst a , concatTuples (snd a) b)

In the function concatTuples, at the nil case, the CoqIDE gives me an error of:

"The term "b" has type "tuple s" while it is expected to have type "tuple (concatSchema ?8 s)"."

I think I understand what's happening there; the type checker can't figure out that s and concatSchema nil s are equal. But what I find weirder is that when I add the following line:

Definition stupid {s : schema} (b : tuple s) : tuple (concatSchema nil s) := b .

and change the case to nil => stupid b, it works. (Well, it still complains at the cons case, but I think that means it's accepting the nil case.)

I have three questions about this:

  1. Is there a way to eliminate stupid? It seems like Coq knows the types are equal, it just needs some kind of hint.
  2. How on earth can I do the cons case? I'm having lots of trouble writing a stupid-like function.
  3. Is this even the right approach to heterogeneous lists? It seems like the most straightforward one to me, but I have a very loose grasp of Curry-Howard, and what Coq code actually means.

There are 1 answers

Arthur Azevedo De Amorim On BEST ANSWER

This is one of the most recurrent problems for newcomers in Coq: not being able to show Coq how to use the additional information one gains in the branches of a match statement.

The solution is to use the so-called convoy pattern, re-abstracting the arguments that depend on your scrutinee and making your match return a function:

Fixpoint concatTuples {r : schema} {s : schema} : tuple r -> tuple s -> tuple (concatSchema r s) :=
  match r return tuple r -> tuple s -> tuple (concatSchema r s) with
    | nil => fun a b => b
    | cons (Col _ t) _ => fun a b => (fst a, concatTuples (snd a) b)

In this particular case, the return annotation is not actually needed, as Coq can infer it. However, omitting it can often lead to incomprehensible error messages when things go a bit wrong, so it's a nice idea to leave them in. Notice that we had to also include a nested match on the first element of our list (the Col _ t pattern), in order to mimic the pattern in the definition of tuple. Once again, CPDT explains in great detail what is going on here and how to write this sort of function in Coq.

To answer your last question, many developments to heterogeneous lists more or less in the same way you're doing here (I for instance have one development that is pretty similar to this one). If I had to change anything, I would remove the nested pattern in the definition of tuple, which allows you do write this sort of code while using less matches and annotations. Compare:

Definition typeOfCol c :=
  match c with
  | Col _ t => t

(* Sends a schema to the corresponding Coq type. *)
Fixpoint tuple (s : schema) : Set :=
  match s with
    | nil => unit
    | cons col sch => prod (toType (typeOfCol col)) (tuple sch)

Fixpoint concatTuples {r : schema} {s : schema} : tuple r -> tuple s -> tuple (concatSchema r s) :=
  match r return tuple r -> tuple s -> tuple (concatSchema r s) with
    | nil => fun a b => b
    | cons _ _ => fun a b => (fst a, concatTuples (snd a) b)

You can find other examples of this issue here and here.