Heroku Worker Dyno memcachem

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I have a Heroku App using 3 dynos: 1 web and 2 worker dynos. For inter-dyno-communication I choose memcachier, everthing is implemented using nodejs.

The Web-Dyno has no problems connecting to the memcacher service and works like a charme, but trying to connect with a worker dyno fails and the TCP connection receives a reset:

MemJS: Server <mc5.dev.ec2.memcachier.com:11211> failed after (2) retries with error - write ECONNRESET

The method I am connecting to the service is the same that already works in the Web-Dyno..

Where is the problem?

This Code:

    var MemJS = require('memjs').Client,
        memjs = MemJS.create();

    setInterval(function () {
     memjs.set('test', 'test'); 

     memjs.get('test', function (err, buf) {
         if (err)
             console.log('ERROR with the damn memcache service ' + err);
             console.log('Memcache service working: ' + buf.toString());
    }, 5000);

Works on the web-dyno but doesn't work on the worker-dyno..


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