I'm using a CSIDriver with three workloads and Helm to manage my cluster.
When i run helm uninstall {chart} these three pods get stucked at terminating status forever. Looking at the logs I saw that the CSIDrivers is been delete before the deployments, and it is making their volumes' tearDowns crash. Check the error below:
Error: "UnmountVolume.TearDown failed for volume \"spire-agent-socket\" (UniqueName: \"kubernetes.io/csi/80621856-bf9a-4406-be77-06cc31242e87-spire-agent-socket\") pod \"80621856-bf9a-4406-be77-06cc31242e87\" (UID: \"80621856-bf9a-4406-be77-06cc31242e87\") : kubernetes.io/csi: mounter.SetUpAt failed to get CSI client: driver name csi.spiffe.io not found in the list of registered CSI drivers"