Height vs minHeight Toolbar

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I recently updated to AppCompatActivity and switched from ActionBar to ToolBar.

When I was checking the xml, I found these two attributes -




What is the difference between these two attributes? Why is layout_height set to wrap_content in the ToolBar documentation?

Is it necessary to use both the attributes?


There are 3 answers

  • On using both the attributes, android:layout_height="wrap_content" and android:minHeight="?attr/actionBarSize", there is a possibility that your toolbar height may get larger when you use larger icons.
  • android:minHeight ensures that your toolbar will not resize itself smaller than ?attr/actionBarSize value.

If you want your toolbar height to be fixed, just use


The other attribute is not needed.

Moinkhan On

Ok when you specify android:layout_height="wrap_content" then your toolbar may shrink if it's not contain larger child view then the standard actionbar size.

But if you specify android:minHeight="?attr/actionBarSize" then it doesn't matter how small view is there in toolbar it will maintain its standard size of ActionBar.

Sergey Shustikov On

What is the difference between these two attributes?

android:minHeight Defines the minimum height of the view.
android:layout_height Specifies the basic height of the view.

Pseudocode for more clear.

if(minHeightDefined) {
    if(currentHeightOfView < minHeight) {
        currentHeightOfView = minHeight;
    } else {
        currentHeightOfView = layout_height;
} else {
    currentHeightOfView = layout_height;

minHeightDefined - flag indicate does android:minHeight declared in layout xml file or not

Why is layout_height set to wrap_content in the ToolBar documentation?

Because this is a default implementation.