Hedgehog not respecting withTest

173 views Asked by At

I'm using Hedgehog with tasty-discover and have written a simple class that implements Square 2D coordinates/vectors. I've then written the following test. Only problem is, it only seems to run one test, which runs extremely quickly, leading me to believe there's a problem here.

How do I get it to run the test 10000 times?

module Spec where

import Test.Tasty
import Hedgehog             
import Hedgehog.Checkers
import qualified Hedgehog.Gen          as Gen
import qualified Hedgehog.Range        as Range
import Lib

make2D :: a -> a -> Point2D a
make2D x y = Point2D { _x = x, _y = y }

point2DGen :: (Gen a) -> Gen (Point2D a)
point2DGen g = make2D <$> g <*> g

small2DGen :: Gen (Point2D Int)
small2DGen = point2DGen . Gen.integral $ Range.linearFrom (0 :: Int) (0-10) 10

hprop_SquareMonoid :: Property
hprop_SquareMonoid = withTests 1000000000 . property . monoid $ Square <$> small2DGen

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