I have configured the below health check properties in my spring boot application(using actuator) and returning "UP" when locally tested using the below endpoint
context-path: /account/v1
port: 8443
health: /health
Check locally using "http://localhost:8443/account/v1/actuator/health and returning {"status":"UP"}"
In PCF I updated the Health check type as "http" and Endpoint as "/actuator/health". When I pushed my app I am getting the below error
2020-09-02T12:43:15.92+0530 [HEALTH/0] ERR Failed to make HTTP request to '/actuator/health' on port 8080: connection refused
2020-09-02T12:43:15.92+0530 [CELL/0] ERR Failed after 1m0.632s: readiness health check never passed.
Please help on this.(Is my port or endpoint wrong)
As per the logs, Readiness check is failed.
Looks like the server takes longer than 60 secs. Increase the timeout and check (Default is 60s, You can increase the value up to 180s)
Timeout can be added in the application manifest file. For Eg: