Header bar height with menu and a button

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My ionic 3 header need to show a menu icon a title and a button in the end. However with these 3 things the header renders these in 3 different rows rather in one single row. See the screenshot as an example


the header looks like below home.html

        <ion-navbar hideBackButton="true">
            <page-header [title]="'My Company'"></page-header>


 <ion-buttons left>
        <button ion-button menuToggle icon-only >
                <ion-icon name='menu'></ion-icon>
  <ion-buttons right>
      <button ion-button (click)="openCart()"><ion-icon name="cart"></ion-icon>
          <ion-badge >1</ion-badge>

There are 2 answers

Sharath Srinivas On

add some inline styles like this

<ion-navbar hideBackButton="true">
<button ion-button menuToggle>
<ion-icon ios="ios-menu" md="md-menu"></ion-icon>
<ion-title class="title">Your Title
<ion-buttons end>
<button ion-button icon-only (click)="navcart()">
<ion-icon name="cart"></ion-icon>
<ion-badge class="carts" item-right color="danger">{{noOfItems}}</ion-badge>
Sebastian StraburzyƄski On

Try wrap menu icon in with ion-buttons with directive left and change end to right:

    <ion-buttons left>
      <button ion-button icon-only>
        <ion-icon name="menu"></ion-icon>
    <ion-buttons right>
      <button ion-button>
        <ion-icon name="cart"></ion-icon>

It's working fine in fresh Ionic 3 template: https://stackblitz.com/edit/ionic-neb7g5

Maybe you have overwritten some default css styles?