Hbase BulkLoad without mapreduce

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I'm wondering if it is possibile to write a java program that do a BulkLoad on HBase. I'm on a hadoop cluster but I don't need to write a MapReduce Job for some reason.



There are 1 answers

Ramzy On

BulkLoad works with HFile. So If you have HFiles, you can directly use LoadIncrementalHFiles to handle the bulk load. Generally we use Map reduce, which can convert the data into above format, and perform Bulk Load. If you have csv file, you can use ImportTsv utility to process your data into HFiles. use this link, for more information It depends at which format you data is in currently. Point to note is, Bulk Load, do not use Write ahead Logs(WAL). They skip this step and add data at a faster rate. if you have any other framework depending on the above WAL, consider other options of adding data in Hbase. Happy Coding.