Hawtio and Eclipse Virgo Container?

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Folks, I DLd hawtio to play with and I have installed the jolokia-osgi-bundle-1.1.5.jar inside an eclipse Virgo Jetty 3.0.3 container, but when I start hawtio as http://localhost:8190/hawtio (I set it to start with that port), I don't see any special tab -- I just see Dashboard, Wiki, JMX, Connect, LOGS, and Maven.

I also tried the jolokia-war-1.1.5.war file, but still see nothing in the tags bar.

I went to connect, and tried LOCAL, saw my Virgo PID, and did the Start Agent, but when I click on the link after the agent was deployed, I see errors about "id:nnnnnnnnn is not a function" and id:nnnnnnnnn is not a function" LocalDashboardFunction.

Basically, I don't see ANYTHING pertaining to the virgo repository -- I would have thought I would see a Jetty or perhaps an OSGI tab, but nothing. Any ideas????


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