Having trouble upgrading to RSpec 3

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I am trying to upgrade my test suite to RSpec 3. After reading the documentation of how to do it I followed all the steps... I have upgraded to 2.99.2 and ran the transpec gem(awesome!) I am left with one deprecation... this:

`require 'rspec-expectations'` is deprecated. Use `require'rspec/expectations'` instead. Called from     /Users/kierancormack/.rbenv/versions/1.9.3-p484/lib/ruby/gems/1.9.1/gems/bundler-1.8.3/lib/bundler/runtime.rb:76:in `require'.

I don't understand what i am supposed to do. I have changed my Gemfile to look like this but it just throws an error. I have required it in my spec_helper.rb but i just can't seem to make it disappear!

Anyone have any suggestions of how to deal with this deprecation?



There are 1 answers

Myron Marston On

RSpec 2.x provided an rspec/expectations file which simply delegates to require 'rspec/expectations'. However, the general convention in the ruby community is for dashes in gem names to correspond to a / in the top-level file name -- so most ruby programmers would know that gem x-y should be required using x/y. As part of our 3.0 spring cleaning we removed the rspec-expectations file as it's an unneeded layer of indirection. So, you need to require rspec/expectations instead of rspec-expectations.

In your case, the stack trace makes it look like the require is happening inside Bundler. When you use Bundler.require it tries to require a file matching the gem name for each gem in the Gemfile. There are good reasons to avoid Bundler.require but if you're going to use it, the fix here is to add :require => "rspec/expectations" to the gem 'rspec-expectations' line in your Gemfile.

Actually, if you're using rspec-core (on its own, or via rspec-rails), you don't need to require rspec/expectations at all; rspec-core will load it at the appropriate time for you, so you can use :require => false to prevent bundler from trying to require it.

In fact, we can take this a step forward: rspec-core and rspec-rails both depend upon rspec-expectations so you generally don't need to put rspec-expectations in your Gemfile at all unless you are doing something special (e.g. trying to use a fork or HEAD from github) or you are using it on its own w/o rspec-core or rspec-rails. So unless you have a specific reason to list rspec-expectations in your Gemfile, I recommend you remove it.