Having trouble getting JSON object to work when passed to SCEditor

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I am using SCEditor and I am trying to set my own custom emoticons according to the emoticons option specified on this page.

So I called it like so:

$(document).ready(function() {

        // Other options
        emoticons: $.getJSON('../../images/emoticons/default/emoticons.json'),
        emoticonsRoot: '../../images/emoticons/default/'


Then in my emoticons.json file I have this:

    dropdown: {
        ':)': 'emoticons/smile.png',
        ':angel:': 'emoticons/angel.png',
        ':angry:': 'emoticons/angry.png'

However it is not working. I have checked the NET panel in my browser and I have confirmed it is fetching the .json file fine, however when I click to open the smiley window in the editor it is blank (all I see is the "more" link).

Am I doing something wrong here?


There are 3 answers

Brett On

As per WhiteWater's answer the reason it wasn't working was because it was returning a JQXHR object and not a JSON object, so I had to work out how to get it to return a JSON object whilst the editor loading not being dependent on the emoticons existence.

So we have the solution below with credit to jeremysawesome for his answer to this question:

// create a variable to store the results
var emoticons = false;

    emoticons = result;
    // always initialize the sceditor
    $('.my-selector').sceditor({emoticons: emoticons}); 

This will load the emoticons but will always load the sceditor instance, even if the emoticons fail for some reason.

caspersky 48 On

Json lint show above text in json file is invalid.

Try putting this in your json file

    "dropdown": {
        ":)": "emoticons/smile.png",
        ":angel:": "emoticons/angel.png",
        ":angry:": "emoticons/angry.png"

I tried this in php

$a = '{
    "dropdown": {
        ":)": "emoticons/smile.png",
        ":angel:": "emoticons/angel.png",
        ":angry:": "emoticons/angry.png"
}' ;


    [dropdown] => Array
            [:)] => emoticons/smile.png
            [:angel:] => emoticons/angel.png
            [:angry:] => emoticons/angry.png

WhatAKitty On

I have tried by your link. The follows is my code:

$(function() {
        // Replace all textarea's
        // with SCEditor
            plugins: "bbcode",
            style: "plugins/SCEditor/development/jquery.sceditor.default.css",
            emoticons: {
                // Emoticons to be included in the dropdown
                dropdown: {
                    ":)": "emoticons/smile.png",
                    ":angel:": "emoticons/angel.png"
                // Emoticons to be included in the more section
                more: {
                    ":alien:": "emoticons/alien.png",
                    ":blink:": "emoticons/blink.png"
                // Emoticons that are not shown in the dropdown but will still
                // be converted. Can be used for things like aliases
                hidden: {
                    ":aliasforalien:": "emoticons/alien.png",
                    ":aliasforblink:": "emoticons/blink.png"
            emoticonsRoot: "plugins/SCEditor/"

Above this, you may kown why your code is wrong. Accross from jQuery.getJSON, $.getJSON returns JQXHR,not a Json object. So, It is not possible to show your emoticons.