I've attached fiddle which has JSON, JS, CSS, HTML- https://jsfiddle.net/mihirchronicles/f9mjqwoa/. The goal is to use D3 to show the range of low, medium and high on Bitcoin circulation(volume) for given dates. Also, display the total circulation and display the circulation for each year. I am having issues binding data and scaling on D3. Any help would be great!
var width = 940, //width
height = 600, //height
tooltip = new CustomTooltip("bitcurve_tooltip", 240), //tooltip
layout_gravity = -0.01, //gravity
damper = 0.1, //moving around nodes
nodes = [], //empty nodes
//these will be set in create_nodes and create_vis
vis = null,
force = null,
circles = null,
radius_scale = null;
//defining the center based on width and height
var center = {x: width / 2, y: height / 2};
//defining the area for all the years when split
var year_centers = {
"2011": {x: width / 3, y: height / 2},
"2012": {x: width / 2, y: height / 2},
"2013": {x: 2 * width / 3, y: height / 2}