I am trying to set a "Row Select" permissions on Hasura. I have a (simplified for brevity) Data Model like below
id: UserID
id: AppID
App Permissions
user_id: User ID
app_id: App ID
permissions: [ ENUM: Admin, View, Owner ]
app_id: AppID
feed_data: Some Feed Data
Now, I wish to query all Feed for an authenticated user. The query can be of the form
- GET all apps, for which the authenticated user has view permissions
query MyQuery {
feed(limit: 10) {
- GET apps with
in the query filter for which the authenticated user has view permissions
query MyQuery {
feed(limit: 10, where: {app_id: {_in: [1, 2]}}) {
Since feed
table does not have user_id
information directly in it, I can not use X-Hasura-User-Id
attribute directly against feed
table. I also tried to use _exists
relation against the app_permission
table, but I am unable to put app_id
filter in the permission clause.
"_exists": {
"_where": {
"user_id": {
"_eq": "X-Hasura-User-Id"
"_table": {
"schema": "public",
"name": "app_permission"
I am not really sure how to proceed with such data modelling with Hasura. Any help is appreciated. Thanks.
Since you dont have a direct relationship, I think you can query via appPermissions Table instead of directly querying feeds table.
When you create a
This way you can make nested graphQL queries to appPerms table as shown below
table with appId as foreign key relationship, Hasura lets you track this relationship as shown below