I have a parser object defined:
newtype Parser a = Parser (String -> [(String, a)])
And a function to produce them:
produce :: a -> Parser a
produce x = Parser (\ts -> [(ts, x)])
And an instance of Monad for this parser object to allow me to bind multiple parsers into one:
instance Monad Parser where
return = produce
Parser px >>= f = Parser (\ts ->
concat([parse (f x) ts' | (ts', x) <- px ts]))
I have also been using <*> quite happily to chain multiple parsers for different types to parse a string with different parts within it.
Of course <*> is defined via the following:
(<*>) = ap
But I want to define it explicitly so that I am able to understand and explain how it works exactly and I have been unable to figure it out.
So how can I figure out how to explicitlly find the definition of ap or <*> in this instance?
Any advice on what <*> would be or how I should work it out is appreciated.
You can start from
or, equivalently
and then expand
as needed.