I do have a problem with hashcat 4.2.1 prints this "platform not found" message to me every time I try using it, I looked for solutions and for that I tried reinstalling openCL and I think I installed it properly, I do have dell inspiron 15 3537, with i5 4200u and AMD radeon hd 8670m with the drivers that came pre-insralled with my Ubuntu 18.04! can anyone assist me like why would this really happen? what kind of things could be the problem and how to fix it? I would be very thankful!
hashcat prints out "clGetPlatformIDs(): CL_PLATFORM_NOT_FOUND_KHR"
1.1k views Asked by Hocine Abdellatif Houari At
Here's the hashcat website that may help you with your issue. I've had a similar problem like this occur before, and to quickly get the job done I ran the code using
--opencl-device-types 2
to utilize my graphics card to process the command rather than it using my Ryzen 7.