I use bcrypt for password hashing everywhere in my php apps. However, there is still a choice between using bcrypt in the database or using bcrypt in php code. While I believe that using bcrypt is better than most other hashing options, is it more secure to use bcrypt via a function in the database, or via a function in php?
Hash passwords with bcrypt in the database or in php code?
1.1k views Asked by Kzqai At
There are 2 answers

Personally I think this could go either way:
If you say that the raw password can be sniffed from on its way to the database, the same also goes for hashes. The only security added is Security through obscurity. They don't know what hashing algorithm you are using, and when they find out, hashes can be cracked with time.
The issue is that people can sniff data from PHP to the database, not that the raw password is being sent. If you use SSL with your database, you should have no issues. (Not unless your database logs what queries has been sent, if your database does log queries, then you should hash with PHP)
An upside with database hashing would be that it's faster.
I would go for the second option and calculate the BCrypt hash in the PHP code.
If you place the password inside the SQL statement, there are additional possibilities it can leak. First the connection to the database must be made secure and then it could end up in log files.
If you place the hash in the SQL statement, you only have to care about a secure transfer to your application, the rest will be safe because only the hash can leak. As a bonus you do not have to care about SQL-injection and encoding/escaping issues. Another advantage is, that you are independend of the database system, you can also support databases without a BCrypt implementation (most databases do not offer a BCrypt function, or only by installing an extension).