Has anyone been able to route outgoing mail through Google using another non-Gmail SMTP service?
I currently have a website running with Bitnami vm running a CanvasLMS application on a Google Cloud Platform server.
When entering my GSuite Gmail Advanced Settings, the required steps have been done to configure the SMTP relay service. (TLS set to true)
I have also configured the setup for the outgoing email server at /apps/canvaslms/htdocs/config/outgoing_mail.yml (replacing username and password with my application's credentials)
enable_starttls_auto: true
address: smtp-relay.gmail.com
port: 587
user_name: [email protected]
password: PASSWORD
authentication: plain # plain, login, or cram_md5
domain: smtp-relay.gmail.com
outgoing_address: [email protected]
default_name: CANVAS LMS
Saved the changes and restarted the server. When trying to send an email in Canvas for new user registration, it never reaches the receivers email inbox.
I have reviewed my application logs and have not discovered any errors related to this
Any thoughts on troubleshooting this SMTP issue???
https://docs.bitnami.com/installer/apps/canvaslms/configuration/configure-smtp/ https://community.canvaslms.com/t5/Question-Forum/emails-are-not-sent-to-users-students/m-p/230561#M128347