I'm currently handling 422 errors(an invalid auth token was passed to rails) and I currently redirect the user to a separate page. This works well but what I've discovered is that if a user logs in and hits a 422 error during that log in request, the user goes to the separate page AND is now logged in. Ideally I want the user to not be logged in.
I currently user Devise(3.4.1) for authentication. No custom code has been written outside of the code written below.
How do I prevent the user from logging in when they hit a 422 error and not be logged in?
class ApplicationController < ActionController::Base
protect_from_forgery with: :exception
# This method is called whenever a CSRF token is invalid.
def handle_unverified_request
# By default this method raises ActionController::InvalidAuthenticityToken
redirect_to '/422'
Try this