handle uncaught_exception in clojure

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I have a clojure endpoint in my project which basically updates a document in couchdb.

(^{PUT true
       Path "/{id}"
       Produces ["application/json"]
       Consumes ["application/json"]
       ApiOperation {:value "Update" :notes ""}
     method_name [this
                     ^{PathParam "id"} id
     (require 'com.xx.x.xx.xx.xx-response)
     (let [doc (json/read-json body)]
       (if-let [valid-doc (validate doc)]
           (assoc valid-doc :modificationDate (Utilities/getCurrentDate))
           (couch/update-document dbs/xx-db)
          (catch java.io.IOException ex
              (log/error "line num 197")
          (catch java.lang.Exception ex
            (log/error "line num 200")))

This endpoint throws a 500 uncaught exception when there is a document conflict along with the cause of the exception and this gets logged in the log files. The trace-redirects has sensitive information. I added a catch block to handle this exception [clojure.lang.ExceptionInfo]. It didn't work.

How do I handle this? Is there a way to remove trace-redirects?

Request exception uncaught_exception Status 500 Message An exception was thrown that was not handled by the application or a provider.
clojure.lang.ExceptionInfo: throw+: {:trace-redirects ["https://abc123xyz-dev:separate settled first [email protected]/1111"], :request-time 3899, :request {:path "/sss", :protocol "https", :scheme :https, :data nil, :http-url "https://abc123xyz-dev.cloudant.com/1111", :conn-timeout 6000, :host "abc123xyz-dev.cloudant.com", :follow-redirects true, :request-method :post, :query-string nil, :save-request? true, :anchor nil, :http-req #<HttpPost POST https://abc123xyz-dev.cloudant.com/1111 HTTP/1.1>, :as :json, :uri "/1111", :port -1, :username "abc123xyz-dev", :data-length nil, :server-name "abc123xyz-dev.cloudant.com", :headers {"authorization" "Basic bGl2ZW1vY2hhLWRldjpzZXXBhcmF0ZSBzZXR0bGVkI1ZpcnN0IGRlY111Ww=", "accept-encoding" "gzip, deflate", "content-type" "application/json", "user-agent" "com.ashafa.clutch/0.3.0", "accept" "*/*"}, :socket-timeout 6000, :body-type nil, :server-port nil, :query nil, :password "90t!@"}, :status 400, :headers {"server" "CouchDB/1.0.2 (Erlang OTP/R14B)", "strict-transport-security" "max-age=31536000", "x-couch-request-id" "119df05d59", "content-type" "text/plain;charset=utf-8", "date" "Thu, 18 Jun 2015 17:46:08 GMT", "cache-control" "must-revalidate", "x-content-type-options" "nosniff;", "content-length" "54", "connection" "close"}, :body "{\"error\":\"bad_request\",\"reason\":\"invalid UTF-8 JSON\"}\n"}

Update: Apologies. This error occurs even when a valid json is posted for update. Sorry if that was misleading.

  • Thanks

There are 2 answers

Daniel Compton On

It looks like you need your try block to be higher up if you want to catch exceptions thrown when reading or validating the JSON.

Nicolas Modrzyk On



Call should come before the


function call.


      (^{PUT true
             Path "/{id}"
             Produces ["application/json"]
             Consumes ["application/json"]
             ApiOperation {:value "Update" :notes ""}
           method_name [this
                           ^{PathParam "id"} id
           (require 'com.xx.x.xx.xx.xx-response)
           (let [doc (json/read-json body)]
             (if-let [valid-doc (validate doc)]
                 (assoc valid-doc :modificationDate (Utilities/getCurrentDate))
                 (couch/update-document dbs/xx-db)

           (catch java.io.IOException ex
                    (log/error "line num 197")
                (catch java.lang.Exception ex
                  (log/error "line num 200"))))