handle different instance variables in method

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So if I have a method where a variable can be an instance of a bunch of different classes where only some of them have a specific instance variable, how do I use this instance variable in the method without getting the cannot be resolved or is not a field error?

consider this code:

void method1(){
    SuperType randomInstance = getRandomInstance();
    if(randomInstance.stop == true) //do something

where SuperType is a super class to all possible instances that randomInstance can hold.

However, an instance doesn't necessarily have the variable stop so I get an error saying stop cannot be resolved or is not a field

So my question is, is there a way to get around this or would I have to create different methods for different instances depending on if they have the variable stop or not?


There are 3 answers


If having a stop property can be viewed as a behavior shared by some of the sub-classes of SuperType, you can consider defining an interface - let's call it Stoppable - having methods getStop (or perhaps isStopped if it's a boolean) and setStop.

Then your code can look like :

void method1(){
    SuperType randomInstance = getRandomInstance();
    if (randomInstance instanceof Stoppable) {
        Stoppable sInstance = (Stoppable) randomInstance;
        if(sInstance.getStop() == ...) //do something
T.J. Crowder On

Give the classes in question a common supertype or interface (they seem, from your code, to have one — SuperType), and define the instance field (it's not a "variable") on the supertype or define a getter function on the interface. (Actually, even if the supertype is a class, it's commonly best practice to define the field using a getter anyway, even if you could make it a public or protected instance field.)

Giovanni On

If you cannot change your class hiearchy with the introdution of an Interface (Stoppable for example) can resort to reflection to detect if the class has a provate field named stop.

You can find an example of field "listing" from a class here and Field is documented here