I am having a hard time understanding how to deal with a top level array of dictionaries using handlebars.js with jQuery
My data object does not consist of a dictionary with a named array object (which is what most of the examples online deal with). My data object looks like this:
"Type": "TopLevel",
"Identifier": "123456789IL",
"FullName": "Smith, John H.",
"CurrentLocation": "In Building"
"Type": "TopLevel",
"Identifier": "123456789OL",
"FullName": "Doe, Jane M.",
"CurrentLocation": "Parking Lot"
Here is a jsfiddle of a working (using the named array object (which I don't have) and a non-working jsfiddle with my actual data object (doesn't work).
http://jsfiddle.net/eljaywilson/ZhF5h/ - works, but not how my data object looks
http://jsfiddle.net/eljaywilson/ZhF5h/1/ - no worky
You have an error in your template - you will have to change [/users] to {{/.}} like this: