I have an audio file and read all data from the sound card buffer. Then, I convert byte[]
to float[]
to use them for hamming window. The waveform of the audio is:
after using hamming window:
is the waveform of audio with hamming window right? Where is my mistake?
by the way i use naudio library to process audio:
WaveChannel32 wave = new WaveChannel32(new WaveFileReader("sesDosyası.wav"));
byte []buffer = new byte[wave.length];
float []data = new float[wave.length / 4];
int read = wave.Read(buffer, 0, wave.length);
for (int i = 0; i < read / 4; i++)
data[i] = BitConverter.ToSingle(buffer, i * 4); //converting byte to float
chart1.Series["wave"].Points.Add(data[i]); //first waveform
for (int j = 0; j < read/4; j++)
data[j] = (float)(0.54 - 0.46 * Math.Cos((2 * Math.PI * data[j]) / (read / 4 - 1)));//hamming
chart2.Series["wave"].Points.Add(data[j]); //second waveform
It appears you are applying the window to the whole wave, so
is going to be huge, so the term inside thecos
is always going to be very near 0 for adata
between [-1,1].So you are always getting
.54 - .46*cos(0)
=.54 - .46*1.0
From wikipedia, only
should be inside the cosine - that gives the window, which you then multiply bydata[j]
:Why are you trying to apply a hamming window to the whole wave?