I have a image that is taken with uneven lighting.. there is a Light obove and one below the camera, so as a result, the image is properly lit in the center (top to bottom) but quite dark left and right.
Is there a way to apply a brightening filter with a gradient? so the more it nears the outer edge, the brighter it gets?
Solved with the answer from Mannari this way:
decompose3 (OriginalImage, ImageR, ImageG, ImageB)
trans_from_rgb(ImageR, ImageG, ImageB, ImageH, ImageL, ImageS, 'hls')
* paint a white rectangle
gen_image_gray_ramp (ImageGrayRampL, 0, -(255/BrightenWidth), 128, 1, BrightenWidth/2, ImageWidth, ImageHeight)
gen_image_gray_ramp (ImageGrayRampR, 0, (255/BrightenWidth), 128, 1, ImageWidth-(BrightenWidth/2), ImageWidth, ImageHeight)
add_image (ImageGrayRampL,ImageGrayRampR,ImageGrayRampRaw,1,0)
mult_image (ImageL, ImageGrayRampRaw, ImageComp, 0.003, 0)
add_image (ImageL, ImageComp, BrightenedImageL, 1, 0)
add_image (ImageS, ImageComp, BrightenedImageS, 1, 0)
Yes, of course.
You can find an example in the demo multi_image.dev.
Here the demo code:
I think it's better if you grab a reference photo (for example with a white paper) instead of creating a gradient image.