H5P sending results to Moodle

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I am very much puzzled about using H5P in Moodle. The idea is great, obviously, yet I cannot make it work as I expected.

My principles/idea:

  • There are bunch of activities in each course

  • Each activity can build up several Student's skills, say Creative Thinking or Problem Solving

  • After finishing each activity Student, based on the result, can go to the next activity or re-do it if failed

  • For the testing purposes I set up 3 outcomes (0-30 > NO pass, 30-70 > 1 point, 71-100 > 2 points) in the H5P module - this one is working fine.

  • The outcome should be passed to Moodle, so the course can then decide what to do: pass with 1 or 2 points, or fail and request to do the activity again

  • This outcome then will be added to Student's skillset

Say, I have this basic crossword. After finishing it the Student can achieve two Skills mentioned above yet still this depends on the outcome, eg. result 1 means 0 in Creative Thinking and +1 in Problem Solving, and/or 2 means +1 in Creative Thinking and +2 in Problem Solving.

The activity itself works as expected, as I mentioned above, see the images (note ONE point circled): enter image description here and enter image description here, but then nothing happens.

The student is NOT taken to the next activity, all s/he can do is to retry same activity over and over again.

Is it possible to force Moodle/H5P to act as described above?

For the testing purposes I used two 'activities': one being 'h5p' itself and the other being 'lesson' with same h5p modules being added inside, see the image:

enter image description here

I run this all on WAMP I tried to follow xAPI https://h5p.org/documentation/x-api

enter image description here

which resulted in js error:

enter image description here

Sorry for the long post - tried to cover everything. If anybody knows the answers - this reply will be much appreciated.

Cheers, Greg


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