I'm developing with h5p standalone plugin in react (nextjs), passing the path as prop to a Modal Component which render the h5p activity.
useEffect(() => {
const initH5p = async (contentLocation) => {
const { H5P: H5PStandalone } = require('h5p-standalone')
const h5pPath = `https://cdn.thinkeyschool.com/h5p/${contentLocation}`
const options = {
id: 'THINKeyLesson',
h5pJsonPath: h5pPath,
frameJs: '/h5p/dist/frame.bundle.js',
frameCss: '/h5p/dist/styles/h5p.css',
let element = document.getElementById('h5p_container')
await new H5PStandalone(element, options)
}, [location, session.data.user.id, course.slug, topic])
With that code, I get two h5p rendered in screen. So I'm using removeAllChildren() to eliminate them from the render.
function removeAllChildNodes(parent) {
while (parent.firstChild) {
That hack is working fine, but when I try to send the xAPI statement to my database, it fires twice
const fireCompleteH5PTopic = async (H5P) => {
H5P.externalDispatcher.on("xAPI", (event) => {
// console.log('event fired')
if (event?.data?.statement?.result?.completion) {
setCounter(counter + 1)
completeH5PTopic(event, session.data.user.id, course.slug, topic)
return true
Any help regarding why it fires twice? I think it may be related to h5p rendering twice too.
Thanks in advance.
I tried using a state to render only once, but it is not working.
I ended up doing this: