This is my Gulp task:
//Image Optimization
gulp.task( 'imagemin', function () {
return gulp.src( imageDir + '**/*.{png,jpg,JPG,svg}' )
.pipe( imagemin( {
progressive: true,
use: [
pngquant({quality: 20 - 30}),
jpeg({max: 50})
optimizationLevel: 7
} ) )
.pipe( gulp.dest( imageDir ) );
} )
I am using gulp imagemin and "imagemin-pngquant", as well as "imagemin-jpegoptim"
In my source I have two images, one jpg and one png. The jpg becomes compressed, but not the png.
This is what my CLI looks like:
No Errors, no Finish.
You have followed syntax of gulp- image not gulp-imagemin. If you are using gulp-image just change your jpeg to jpegRecompress where can you set min, max and other property.