I'm using gulp to copy an Electron built app to a directory and the task appears to be hanging in mid-copy. Checking the dest directory the copy is only partially complete; some files have copied, others haven't. All the Lua files copy and the task completes if I remove the .app line in LUafiles.
My best guess is that symlinks in the .app directory structure may be giving it trouble but I can't be sure. The symlinks point to files within the .ap directory. Thoughts appreciated.
const gulp = require('gulp');
const debug = require('gulp-debug')
const Lualib = '/Users/kimaldis/Documents/Dev/lightroom dev/lib'
var Luafiles = [
Lualib + "/JSON.lua",
Lualib + "/Path.lua",
Lualib + "/Utils.lua",
Lualib + "/Log.lua",
Lualib + "/class.lua",
"TakServer/dist/mac/takserver-darwin-x64/*takserver.app/**/*" // run npm run package-mac in root first to build server app
gulp.task('watch', function() {
console.log( `watching ${Luafiles}` )
// copy lr plugin to local plugin dir
// copy takserver app into '<install dir>/Tak.lrdevplugin'
gulp.watch( Luafiles, function ( cb ) {
gulp.src( Luafiles, { } )
.pipe(gulp.dest( `/Users/kimaldis/Lightroom/Lightroom Plugins/Tak.lrdevplugin` ))
.pipe(debug({title: 'Copying LR Plugin to local plugin dir :'}))
.on('error', () => {
.on('finish', () => {
return cb()
} )
Returning the return value from gulp.src() fixed the hang. Adding {follow: true} to gulp.src() copied the symlinks correctly. The symlinks were resolved, no longer symlinks in the destination tree but that doesn't appear to be problematic: