Using Gulp and Node.js, I'm creating a proof of concept that generates sprites from folders of images, then versions the generated sprites so they have unique file names for cache busting purposes.

I'm using to version the sprites (this works!), but I'm having trouble updating CSS files with references to the images. There are some tools that I have looked at for this purpose but I haven't been able to get them to work. The two that I have look at are:

(Seems fully featured by can't figure it out)


(Got working but couldn't separate the destination for the revisioned images files and the updated CSS with the new images names)

Essentially I want to grab all the images from gulp-image-versioning-poc/images/sprites/*.png and then version them, put the resulting images in gulp-image-versioning-poc/dist/ and update the references to those images in gulp-image-versioning-poc/css/*.css

I've created a simplified example of what I currently have here:

If anyone could help me tackling this problem I would be very grateful!!!


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