Using mysql how can I group together by day and month showing tghe total revenue?
E.g. (not based on below data)
day month revenue
1 01 10.97
2 01 3.57
3 01 0
Heres an example of my data:
`id` bigint(255) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT,
`timestamp` int(12) NOT NULL,
`product` int(5) NOT NULL,
`publisher` int(5) NOT NULL,
`market` int(5) NOT NULL,
`revenue` float NOT NULL,
`Units` int(5) NOT NULL,
`Downloads` int(11) NOT NULL,
-- Dumping data for table `sales`
INSERT INTO `sales` (`id`, `timestamp`, `revenue`) VALUES
(1, 1394150400, 3.65),
(2, 1394064000, 0),
(4, 1393977600, 0),
(5, 1393891200, 7.42),
(6, 1393804800, 0),
(7, 1393718400, 0),
(8, 1393632000, 0),
(9, 1393545600, 0),
(10, 1393459200, 0),
(11, 1393372800, 0),
(12, 1393286400, 3.65),
(13, 1393200000, 3.65),
(14, 1393177032, 0),
(15, 1393090632, 3.65),
(16, 1393004232, 0),
(17, 1392917832, 0),
(18, 1392831432, 0),
(19, 1392745032, 0),
(20, 1392658632, 0),
(21, 1392572232, 0),
(24, 1391881032, 0),
(23, 1392485832, 0),
(25, 1392336000, 0),
(26, 1392249600, 0),
(27, 1392163200, 0),
(28, 1392076800, 0),
(29, 1391990400, 3.81),
(30, 1391904000, 0),
(31, 1391817600, 0),
(32, 1391731200, 3.65),
(33, 1391644800, 3.58),
(34, 1391558400, 3.58),
(35, 1391472000, 0),
(36, 1391385600, 0),
(37, 1391299200, 0),
(38, 1391212800, 7.23),
(39, 1391126400, 0),
(40, 1391040000, 0),
(41, 1390953600, 3.81),
(42, 1390867200, 4.52),
(43, 1390780800, 0),
(44, 1390694400, 3.65),
(45, 1390608000, 3.81),
(46, 1390585032, 0),
(47, 1390435200, 0),
(48, 1390348800, 3.58),
(49, 1390262400, 0),
(50, 1390176000, 0),
(51, 1390089600, 0),
(52, 1390003200, 0),
(53, 1389916800, 3.58),
(54, 1389893832, 0),
(55, 1389744000, 0),
(56, 1389657600, 0),
(57, 1389571200, 0),
(58, 1389484800, 0),
(59, 1389398400, 3.65),
(60, 1389312000, 3.18),
(61, 1389225600, 0),
(62, 1389139200, 0),
(63, 1389052800, 0),
(64, 1389052800, 0),
(65, 1388966400, 3.65),
(66, 1388880000, 4.05),
(67, 1388793600, 0),
(68, 1388707200, 3.65),
(69, 1388620800, 0),
(70, 1388534400, 0),
(71, 1394236800, 0),
(72, 1394236800, 2.51),
(73, 1394236800, 0),
(74, 1394150400, 5.02),
(75, 1394150400, 2.76),
(76, 1394064000, 7.5),
(77, 1394064000, 8.28),
(78, 1393977600, 0),
(79, 1393977600, 0),
(80, 1393891200, 7.5),
(81, 1393891200, 2.36),
(82, 1393804800, 0),
(83, 1393804800, 0),
(84, 1393718400, 2.76),
(85, 1393718400, 0),
(86, 1393632000, 0),
(87, 1393545600, 0),
(88, 1393545600, 2.76),
(89, 1393459200, 2.51),
(90, 1393459200, 2.51),
(91, 1393433613, 2.51),
(92, 1393433613, 0),
(93, 1393286400, 2.54),
(94, 1393286400, 2.76),
(95, 1393200000, 2.52),
(96, 1393200000, 5.51),
(97, 1394323200, 0),
(98, 1394323200, 5.01),
(99, 1394323200, 5.52),
(100, 1394409600, 0),
(101, 1394409600, 2.05),
(102, 1394409600, 5.27),
(103, 1393113600, 5.08),
(104, 1393027200, 5.09),
(105, 1392854400, 5.32),
(106, 1392854400, 7.63),
(107, 1392940800, 0),
(108, 1392595200, 0),
(109, 1392508800, 7.64),
(110, 1392422400, 0),
(111, 1392336000, 2.58),
(112, 1392163200, 5.57),
(113, 1391990400, 0),
(114, 1391817600, 0),
(115, 1391731200, 15.99),
(116, 1391472000, 10.66),
(117, 1391385600, 2.54),
(118, 1391299200, 2.54),
(119, 1391212800, 5.34),
(120, 1391040000, 0),
(121, 1390953600, 2.55),
(122, 1390780800, 10.9),
(123, 1390608000, 12.72),
(124, 1390435200, 7.64),
(125, 1390262400, 2.55),
(126, 1390089600, 9.92),
(127, 1389916800, 2.55),
(128, 1389744000, 2.55),
(129, 1389571200, 5.1),
(130, 1389398400, 2.55),
(131, 1389225600, 5.1),
(132, 1389052800, 7.65),
(133, 1388880000, 5.1),
(134, 1388793600, 9.99),
(135, 1388620800, 0),
(136, 1394582400, 4.14),
(137, 1394582400, 2.76);
Check the FROM_UNIXTIME Function Here