I have a gridster page I am working on and I have images inside of the
"TypeError: this.data is undefined" pointing at jquery.gridster.min.js
My HTML & js is (both are embedded in a php file as this is part of a wordpress plugin):
<li id ="fieldId\' + fieldId + \'" class="layout_block">
<img src="'.site_url().'/wp-content/plugins/fresh-forms/img/remove.png"
class="removeWidget" width="16" style="padding: 4px; float: right;"
<div class="info" style="color: #666666;">
<span class="block_name">New Field : Edit to see preview</span>
function gridsterRemoveField(widget){
fieldId = $(widget).parent().attr("id");
console.log(fieldId); //returns <li> ID
fieldIndex = $("li").index($("#" + fieldId));
console.log(fieldIndex); //returns <li> index
var rem = gridster.remove_widget($(".layout_block").eq(fieldIndex));
I am more than happy to use the gridster api or jquery's remove() or any other option. I just need the element to be removed from the grid and the page.
Add true in there as a parameter. It stops the widgets from moving up, which will cause the error.
There is also a remove_all_widgets function that was built in order to get around this bug I believe, but it did not work the way I wanted. Though I did not spend much time trying to get it to work.