I've started playing around with gremlin-python wrapper to interact with my gremlin server.
I did the following steps:
Once the Gremlin console opens up, I loaded configurations using:
graph = JanusGraphFactory.open('conf/gremlin-server/janusgraph-cassandra-es.properties')
g = graph.traversal()
saturn = g.V().has('name', 'saturn')
And the above set of codes in gremlin shell works fine, and I can see verteces listed down, but when I try to do same in python I get an empty graph. The following is my code for python:
graph = Graph()
g = graph.traversal().withRemote(DriverRemoteConnection('ws://localhost:8182/gremlin','g'))
It returns : graphtraversalsource[graph[empty]]
Why am I getting empty graph? As far as I feel, it is unable to connect to same Graph source. Is there somthing I'm missing?
Note that in:
the config filename provided is one used to start gremlin server.
Any help is really appreciated.
Your local "g" in the Gremlin Console is an embedded instance of a graph. It therefore "contains" something and is not empty. For your "g" in Python, it is "empty" in the sense that on its own there are no vertices/edges that within it - the vertices/edges are in the remote graph on Gremlin Server that it reflects. I assume that if you were to do a
in python you would get the same vertex count back as you would if you did the same in java. If not, then there is some other problem, but do not expect a "remote" graph instance to show vertex/edges of any sort (unless a day comes where gremlin-python is written as a Gremlin virtual machine that has it's own Python native graph databases attached to it - in such a case, "g" would be embedded and thus own vertices/edges and would likely no longer print as "empty").