Greatest/least or max/min calculation in SQL

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I want to calculate max(min(150,value returned by below query),50). How do I implement this in netezza? I need to pass the value returned by the below query into the above statement and compute the value of the expression.Appreciate your time and help.

Note : By Min/Max I mean greatest/least SQL equivalent. Although in Neteeza there is no greatest/least functions.

  SELECT ( x / cast(y  as float)* 100 AS sales_ratio
FROM   (SELECT a.sum(sales_amt) AS x
        FROM   table2 b, 
               table1 a,
               table 3 c
        WHERE  b.VEND_CD IN ($vendorCD1) AND
               b.ITM_CD_1 = ($ITMCD) AND
               b.area_num = ($area) AND
               b.area_num = a.area_num AND
               b.itm_cd_2 = a.itm_cd_2 AND
               a.week_end = c.week_end AND
               c.week_end BETWEEN ($startdate) AND ($enddate)) t1
CROSS JOIN (SELECT a.sum(sales_amt) AS y
            FROM   table2 b, 
                   table1 a,
                   table3 c
            WHERE  b.VEND_CD IN ($vendorCD1) AND
                   b.ITM_CD_1 = ($ITMCD) AND
                   b.area_num = ($area) AND
                   b.area_num = a.area_num AND
                   b.itm_cd_2 = a.itm_cd_2 AND
                   a.week_end = c.week_end AND
                   c.week_end BETWEEN ($startdate2) AND ($enddate2)) t2

There are 3 answers

Radu Gheorghiu On

This is a rough estimate, since I don't know the RDBMS you're using. The general idea is to implement a CASE statement to work like a MAX(MIN()) combination like you have exemplified.

    x / cast(y AS FLOAT) * 100 AS sales_ratio
         WHEN CASE 
                 WHEN x / cast(y AS FLOAT) * 100 > 150
                    THEN 150
                 ELSE x / cast(y AS FLOAT) * 100
              END < 50
         THEN x / cast(y AS FLOAT) * 100
     ELSE 50
    END Result     
    SELECT a.sum(sales_amt) AS x
    FROM table2 b
        ,table1 a
        ,TABLE 3 c
        AND b.ITM_CD_1 = ($ITMCD)
        AND b.area_num = ($AREA)
        AND b.area_num = a.area_num
        AND b.itm_cd_2 = a.itm_cd_2
        AND a.week_end = c.week_end
        AND c.week_end BETWEEN ($STARTDATE)
            AND ($ENDDATE)) t1
    SELECT a.sum(sales_amt) AS y
    FROM table2 b
        ,table1 a
        ,table3 c
        AND b.ITM_CD_1 = ($ITMCD)
        AND b.area_num = ($AREA)
        AND b.area_num = a.area_num
        AND b.itm_cd_2 = a.itm_cd_2
        AND a.week_end = c.week_end
        AND c.week_end BETWEEN ($STARTDATE2)
            AND ($ENDDATE2)) t2
shawnt00 On

The general approach uses a CASE expression although it might not be well optimized in Netezza (according to another SO answer I skimmed.) You probably would want to capture the result of your query in a variable and then apply logic to make the value doesn't fall outside of the range from 50 to 150, but I gather that Netezza doesn't allow variables. Perhaps it's best to do this part outside of SQL especially since the possibility of nulls is another complicating factor.

ScottMcG On

In Netezza version 7.2 scalar MAX and MIN functions, analogous to GREATEST and LEAST, were introduced.