I'm generating a graph with graphviz and the circo
tool it provides.
The graph generated is a nice shape, but the lengths of the edges between the nodes are a lot larger than they need to be, which makes the text of the nodes be small (relative to the output image) and so hard to read.
How can I make the node be bigger (relatively) in the output image, so that the text inside the nodes is easier to read,
Output image:
Source graph file:
digraph G {
FoundUrlToFollow [shape=box];
"Fetch the URL" [shape=circle];
FoundUrlToFollow -> "Fetch the URL";
ResponseReceived [shape=box];
"Fetch the URL" [shape=circle, label=<Fetch the URL>];
"Fetch the URL" -> ResponseReceived;
ResponseError [shape=box];
"Fetch the URL" [shape=circle, label=<Fetch the URL>];
"Fetch the URL" -> ResponseError;
ResponseReceived [shape=box];
"Log response" [shape=circle];
ResponseReceived -> "Log response";
ResponseReceived [shape=box];
"Is the response OK?" [shape=circle];
ResponseReceived -> "Is the response OK?";
ResponseOk [shape=box];
"Is the response OK?" [shape=circle, label=<Is the response<br/>OK?>];
"Is the response OK?" -> ResponseOk;
ResponseOk [shape=box];
"Is the response HTML?" [shape=circle];
ResponseOk -> "Is the response HTML?";
HtmlToParse [shape=box];
"Is the response HTML?" [shape=circle, label=<Is the response<br/>HTML?>];
"Is the response HTML?" -> HtmlToParse;
HtmlToParse [shape=box];
"Parse the HTML to find links" [shape=circle];
HtmlToParse -> "Parse the HTML to find links";
FoundUrl [shape=box];
"Parse the HTML to find links" [shape=circle, label=<Parse the HTML<br/>to find links>];
"Parse the HTML to find links" -> FoundUrl;
FoundUrl [shape=box];
"Should we follow this URL?" [shape=circle];
FoundUrl -> "Should we follow this URL?";
FoundUrlToSkip [shape=box];
"Should we follow this URL?" [shape=circle, label=<Should we<br/>follow this<br/>URL?>];
"Should we follow this URL?" -> FoundUrlToSkip;
FoundUrlToFollow [shape=box];
"Should we follow this URL?" [shape=circle, label=<Should we<br/>follow this<br/>URL?>];
"Should we follow this URL?" -> FoundUrlToFollow;
FoundUrlToSkip [shape=box];
"Log skipped links" [shape=circle];
FoundUrlToSkip -> "Log skipped links";
graph [label="Switches are circles. Events are boxes.", fontsize="12", overlap=scale];
edge [splines=curved];
circo -Tpng -ograph_so.png graph.dot
I would try to add mindist (less than 1) to graph:
maybe the renderer version make a difference: here is the outcome on my machine