I'm trying to run a correspondence analysis using the Factoshiny interface from RStudio. When the interface opens I get this error underneath the Graphs section: "Error: there is no package called ‘systemfonts’". I tried to install.packages("systemfonts") in RStudio and open it but it continues to give me the error. All of the analysis shows up in Values, Summary of Dataset and Data. When I click to download the file as a jpg, png, or pdf the chart populates in the download but not in the interface. Any idea how to fix this?
Graphs not populating FactoShiny Interface with error
58 views Asked by gsheppard At
I was able to install system fonts. I also deleted a file called 00LOCK. Then I had an error that textshaping was missing. I installed that, restarted RStudio again and re-ran and it worked.