GraphQL + Relay + Graphene

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class Product(SQLAlchemyObjectType):
    class Meta:
        model = ProductModel
        interfaces = (relay.Node, )

    def get_node(cls, id, context, info):
        #must implement to relay

class Query(graphene.ObjectType):
    product = graphene.Field(Product, id=graphene.String())
    node = relay.Node.Field()

    def resolve_product(self, args, context, info):
        session =  context['session']
        id_ = from_global_id(args['id'])[1]
        p = session.query(ProductModel).filter( == id_).first()
        return p

I am trying to use GraphQL + Relay + Grephene. But I am a little bit confused. Can I support both queries using relay? Or when implementing realy I will only support the second one?

Do I always need to translate the globalId to database primary key?

Graph QL:

    product (id: "XYZ"){


        node(id: "XYZ") {
          ... on product {

There are 1 answers

Eran Kampf On

The Relay spec and implementation requires you to support a node query in addition you your query root (usually viewer)

Relay will use node internally when it needs to fetch fields for a specific node. Regardless of node, if you really want a product query and call it yourself from one of your Relay Containers.

As for global ids, yes - you always need to translate from global id to primary key. But to be more exact - you always need to translate from global ID to the internal key representation of whatever DB behind the ObjectType you're querying. The global id contains the type information - which ObjectType we're trying to fetch. Without that information the framework wouldn't know what ObjectType to send the id to so it can do the fetching.