const data = useStaticQuery(graphql`
query Draft {
allFile(filter: { sourceInstanceName: { eq: "featuredProducts" } }) {
edges {
node {
childImageSharp {
fixed(width: 500, quality: 100) {
I query the data with GraphQL to get some images. I try to get the output as an object so I can pass it to the Image src, using the image name as a key. I've successfully done it by map it to an array, and then convert it to an array using these methods:
const images = => ({
[]: image.node.childImageSharp.fixed,
const arrayToObject = array => {
return Object.assign({}, ...array)
const FeaturedProducts = arrayToObject(images)
I feel it's a bit too much. Is there anyway that I can get the final object without these 2 steps?.
In modern JS (ES2019+) you can use