My aim is to create a text image and put it on top of other images. This is the command I use to create the text image:
String[] cp_img_arguments = {"convert",
"-size", width_size + "x",
"-background", background_colour,
"-pointsize", pointsize.toString(),
"-font", font_path,
"caption:" + text,
In order to calculate the size of the image I need, I make use of FontsMetrics like this:
Font font = new Font(fontName, Font.PLAIN, pointsize);
Canvas canvas = new Canvas();
fontMetrics = canvas.getFontMetrics(font);
width_size = fontMetrics.stringWidth(toString());
Although I often generate images with the text truncated or multi-line, which means the width I calculate is not actually enough for the text.
The font comes from a .ttf
file. I believe this miss-calculation happens because of the density/DPI parameter in GraphicsMagick. I am not currently using it (default is 55 I believe), but I wonder how that affects the actual font size, compared to what FontMetrics calculate.
Does anyone have experience generating images with text using gm? Any ideas how I can make the image dimension calculation more accurate?