Graph API, Get ads filter with created date or Date range

1.2k views Asked by At

Is there any way to get ads in specific time range using graph API. I need to get ads from the last week.

Right now I'm doing this:


But this is not working, it's returning ads even from outside the specified time range.


There are 3 answers

Jeff S. On

You can filter on updated_since, and request the created date in the result, which your code can then use to include or exclude.

act_{account ID}/ads?fields=created_time&updated_since=1485925200

espy On

For those using the Facebook Node.js Business sdk, Facebook is expecting seconds and not milliseconds (which is what you might expect while working with JavaScript) for the updated_since.

Good Friday On

If anyone wonders what value of updated_since is, it is timestamp.