I have implemented a syphon server within a GPUImage application. However it produces a triangular area as seen in the attached image.
Can anyone say what’s wrong looking at the image?
Or Code?
In MyView#viewDidLoad
NSOpenGLContext *ctx = [[GPUImageContext sharedImageProcessingContext] context]; syphonServer = [[SyphonServer alloc] initWithName:@”MyServer” context:ctx.CGLContextObj options:[NSDictionary dictionaryWithObject:SyphonImageFormatRGBA8 forKey:SyphonServerOptionImageFormat]];
At the end of the myFilter#renderToTextureWithVertices
[myServer publishFrameTexture:[firstInputFramebuffer texture] textureTarget:GL_TEXTURE_RECTANGLE_EXT imageRegion:NSMakeRect(0, 0, size.width, size.height) textureDimensions:size flipped:YES];
Thanks for the input.
My hypothesis is that two things are wrong: